Mastering Angular

The Angular framework is designed for front-end web development, enabling developers to construct dynamic and responsive single-page websites. This training session imparts knowledge on creating applications using TypeScript and Angular. Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles of Angular upon completion of this training.

Who should attend this course?

Frontend developers wishing to unlock the potential and learn the best practices of Angular.


Participants should be comfortable with JavaScript.

Practical information

Duration 3 days
Location At your convenience (Europe)
Language English or French

Course details

Each of these sections includes practical exercises. The developers will be invited to progressively build a small frontend application that includes every aspect discussed during the training.

Angular: Understanding the framework

  • What is Angular
  • What is Typescript
  • Single Page Applications
  • Added value of Angular
  • Structure of an application


  • Basics
  • Types, interfaces and classes
  • Functions/Methods

Angular: Components

  • Creating a component
  • Template, Style and Class
  • Input/Output
  • Component lifecycle

Angular: Services

  • Creating a service
  • Dependency Injection
  • Singleton vs. Scoped services
  • Inversion of control concept

Angular: API calls

  • HTTPClient
  • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests
  • Handling responses

RxJs: The power of reactive programming

  • Reactive programming
  • Observables
  • Operators
  • Subjects
  • Subscriptions

Angular: Forms

  • Template-driven forms
  • Reactive forms
  • Form validation

Angular: Unit tests

  • Testing components
  • Testing services
  • Testing HTTP requests

Angular: Routing

  • Setting up routes
  • Perform navigation
  • Route parameters
  • Route guards
  • Lazy loading

Angular: State management

  • Pattern
  • State management libraries
  • BehaviorSubject

Angular: Pipes

  • Built-in pipes
  • Custom pipes

Angular: Directives

  • Built-in directives
  • Custom directives

Angular: Signals

  • Signals in Angular

Angular: Architecture and good practices

  • Angular modules
  • Separation of concerns
  • Naming conventions
  • Folder structure
  • Code organization
  • Best practices